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Meet Megan McIntyre of Restored Balance Kinesiology in Camberwell Junction

Meet Megan McIntyre of Restored Balance Kinesiology in Camberwell Junction

A life change that caused stress and subsequent physical pain brought Megan McIntyre to neuroenergetic kinesiology.

A move to Hong Kong proved difficult, with the busy city, increased pollution, and work-life balance stresses taking their toll on her.

A suggestion by a friend that she should try kinesiology was a turning point, and the healing and solace she found in the practice led to a career change driven by a passion to share kinesiology with others.

Ms McIntyre left her career in the dental industry to retrain when her boys were just two and four years old.

“It was tough but that’s how strongly I felt about it,” she said.

“I had always had a deep interest in natural therapies, and when I discovered the benefits of kinesiology I knew I wanted to explore further.”

That’s when she decided to open her own practice, Restored Balance Kinesiology.

Restoring inner peace

Ms McIntyre’s business is named ‘Restored Balance’ because that is what she strives to provide.

“Whether that’s in areas of physical pain, anxiety, sleep issues, chronic stress and so much more, I want to help my clients move forward and be their best selves,” she said.

Ms McIntyre said neuroenergetic kinesiology is a modern form of kinesiology that targets specific issues expressed by the body.

“It is about the subconscious – what lies beneath the physical pain or the stress,” she said.

“Symptoms are messages. We need to listen and find the root cause, aiming for total wellness.”

Spreading the word

Ms McIntyre has been based in Camberwell Junction since 2019 and has a clientele of all age groups and genders.

“[I treat] everyone from Year 10 to university students to young mums and men from a variety of walks of life,” she said.

“If you are open to the idea of the subconscious influence on our bodies, we can move beyond the pain and find a balance again.”

Ms McIntyre said she has “a lovely space in a building with a psychologist and speech therapist, right at Camberwell Junction”.

“I am glad I opened here. It works for me,” she said.

Restored Balance Kinesiology’s clientele mostly find their way there via word-of-mouth acclaim from others.

“Someone will mention they’ve been feeling sore or under the weather for a while and can’t seem to find relief and someone shares how they found kinesiology worked for them,” Ms McIntrye said.

For anyone considering kinesiology, she assures there is nothing to be nervous of.

“There are no needles, but I do use my hands to check muscles,” Ms McIntrye said.

“Most of the session is spent lying comfortably face up on a bed and many people report feeling very relaxed at the end; like they’ve had a massage.

“We’ll talk a bit too about what’s going on in your life and my aim is to take the stress out of your body.”

The joy of healing

Ms McIntyre loves her work.

“This absolutely lights my fire,” she said.

“I see results. I get to help people move from being stuck to finding relief and a new energy.

“Some make life changes like finding a new job. Others go from limping to walking freely again. It’s so rewarding.”

If you would like to learn more about achieving a better balance and healthier lifestyle, Restored Balance Kinesiology allows you to give kinesiology a try with a 15-minute discovery session. Get in touch to find out more.

Visit the business

Restored Balance Kinesiology

Restored Balance Kinesiology

2/321 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, 3124

0490 880 988


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