Camberwell Centre Association
What we do

Business support levy – working together for everyone’s success
Camberwell Junction traders first implemented a marketing and business support levy in 1996 to ensure that all businesses contributed to the success of the precinct.
The levy is collected by Boroondara Council and passed on to the Camberwell Centre (Traders’) Association to engage marketing professionals to undertake promotion and business support initiatives.
The marketing activity funded includes a program of advertising, events, a sophisticated online presence for the precinct, and platforms for shared marketing opportunities for our businesses. The trader’s association also represents the traders when dealing with the council to aim for the best outcomes and services.
As the precinct develops it is also necessary to adapt the marketing undertaken to the shifting demographics and business style of our community, to ensure the precinct remains attractive to both customers and tenants.
Camberwell Junction’s digital strategy
The association has established, maintained, and continues to develop a professional digital strategy that incorporates websites for both the retail and professional service sectors and microsites to support individual events, interlinked with social media. This includes:
- A business directory with individual trader pages with links to their business websites, Google Maps, and social media channels
- Precinct and trader news, special offers, community news, events, and competitions
- A Trader Portal to share relevant business resources, support links, and advice
- Professionally written ‘Meet a Trader’ articles to share the stories behind the brands and SEO-driven articles about seasonal and retail topics, to drive traffic to the website and trader pages
- An intensive social media management that shares local news and trader posts, reaching customers the businesses may not individually
- A monthly email newsletter to a public database of more than 8000 subscribers
- A separate Camberwell Business website for B2B and professional services promotion and networking
- Professional video and photography to support the Camberwell Junction precinct brands.

Other promotion and events
- Traditional media including niche publications, direct mail, cinema advertising
- Radio campaigns on major stations
- The Camberwell Citizen newspaper, a quality publication distributed to 30,000 local households and businesses
- A comprehensive promotions calendar for major community events such as the Christmas Family Day, CamberWELL-BEING to promote the health and wellness sector, Camberwell on Canvas art show exclusively for Burke Hill, and a food and dining promotion.
Working with the community
- The association acts as an advocate on behalf of Camberwell Junction businesses to Boroondara Council in relation to matters like parking, rubbish, infrastructure, relevant policies, and pays 50/50 for a graffiti removal arrangement to keep the precinct and business premises looking respectable
- We represent the precinct to industry body Mainstreet Australia, and state and federal governments. We have secured more than $220,000 in grants for business support and CCTV
- An arrangement with Rotary’s Camberwell Sunday Market offers additional funds for cooperative marketing. We also work closely with Camberwell Community Centre and other local groups, schools, and charities.

The association has an office in Camberwell to provide advice and direction for business operators and customers. Our communications include:
- Regular customer and trader updates (digital)
- Printed quarterly newsletter, hand-delivered to all businesses
- Regular personal contact and trader events
- An on-site professional precinct manager, available to traders for business support and advice.
Not just retail
The traders association supports all Camberwell Junction businesses by giving value to their business location. A vibrant, successful, clean, safe, and interesting precinct attracts quality business operators, staff, customers, and tenants. Marketing initiatives include support for professional businesses via the retail and business websites.
We run a series of Business Forum networking events for businesses to promote their events and develop business connections. The association also manages the administration of the Camberwell Business Club, which has operated since 1948 – a significant achievement.
Learn more about the association and committee here.