COVID-19 update: guests allowed at home, eateries to reopen
Article posted: May 11, 2020

Update: In the latest easing of restrictions, beauty and personal care services like nail salons, spas and tattoo parlours will be allowed to open from Monday, June 1. These services will be allowed to have up to 20 customers per space, and customer contact details will need to be recorded. The Victorian government will also allow indoor fitness and recreation facilities to reopen from June 22, with up to 20 people per space and up to 10 people per group or activity at any one time. Read more here.
The Victorian government will allow cafes, restaurants and pubs to reopen their doors to serve meals to up to 20 customers at a time per enclosed space from June 1. From June 22, this could increase to up to 50 patrons. The number of patrons may increase up to 100 during the second half of July. Read more here.
Victorians will be allowed to have up to five guests in their home from Wednesday, under new changes to COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria.
The changes, which come into effect at 11.59pm on Tuesday, May 12, also allow outdoor gatherings such as recreational and sporting activities with up to 10 people.
Premier Daniel Andrews said restrictions remain in place for businesses like cafes and restaurants, at least until June, when the government would review the restrictions again.
Many of Camberwell’s cafes and restaurants are operating under restricted trade, offering takeaway and home delivered orders, and local residents can continue to support them in this way.
The premier said the government wanted to wait a few extra weeks before lifting restrictions on cafes and restaurants to see if they could increase the limit beyond 10 patrons at a time.
Mr Andrews said the feedback from many businesses was that reopening for just 10 patrons at a time would prove hard to be viable.
The government wants to wait and see if they can take an even bigger step in June, and potentially increase the limit beyond 10 patrons, so that these businesses have a better chance at viability.
Under the eased restrictions, visiting friends and family – if you really need to – will be added to reasons to leave your home.
There are also changes to weddings, funerals and religious gatherings.
The changes allow up to 10 guests at weddings, in addition to the couple and celebrant.
For funerals, up to 20 guests will be allowed to attend an indoor ceremony, while up to 30 people will be permitted to attend an outdoor ceremony.
Religious gatherings and ceremonies can host up to 10 guests, in addition to the people required to host the gathering.
“I’m asking Victorians to use common sense – you should only spend time together if it’s safe,” Mr Andrews said.
“And you should only be undertaking these activities if you really need to. If it’s integral to your health and wellbeing.”