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You are viewing the Camberwell Centre Association Trader’s news. Find the latest Camberwell updates here

Outdoor dining ‘parklets’ bring vibrant atmosphere to Camberwell precinct

Know your customer: Camberwell Junction customer profile

The Camberwell Junction shopping centre is located alongside the meeting point of Burke, Camberwell and Riversdale roads, Camberwell. The information on...
Calling businesses who can give students work experience

Can your business offer students work experience?

Calling all businesses that can offer students work experience – we want to hear from you!

Annual Victoria Police Community Sentiment Survey - 2022

Victoria Police: Swarming Intelligence Alert

There has been a significant number of swarming incidents overnight. Traders should read this notice from Victoria Police.

Mainstreet Australia Conference Key Takeaways

Mainstreet Australia Conference 2023: Key takeaways

The Mainstreet Australia Conference shared updates and insights for retail precincts, business districts and town centres.

Business Innovation Survey

Survey: What does innovation look like to you?

A survey by DJSIR will help to create more effective place-based policies to support innovation by Victorian businesses.

Retail lease

End of lease: what tenants need to know

There are important steps that retail tenants should take to prepare for the end of their lease. Here are some top tips from VSBC.

Go Full Circle program

Go Full Circle program

Go Full Circle aims to help small businesses with circular economy principles and balance economic, environmental and social objectives.

Traders newsletter

Q2 2023 traders’ newsletter now available online

The latest edition of the Camberwell Junction traders’ newsletter is now available. You can view it online here.
Police update: EFTPOS thefts and misuse

Police update: EFTPOS thefts and misuse

Boroondara businesses are being urged to be alert to EFTPOS machine manual misuse and theft. Here's what you need to know.