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Six principles of COVIDSafe workplaces

Six principles of COVIDSafe workplaces

Every Victorian business that is open must follow the six principles to ensure a COVIDSafe workplace. It is also mandatory for every Victorian business...
Coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap for reopening

Coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap for reopening

From Sunday 11:59pm 18 October 2020 changes are being made to restrictions in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. The below applies to...
Retail re-opening

Re-opening guidelines for Victoria

Under this next step, all remaining retail will open from Monday, November 2. Restaurants, cafes and pubs will open. And personal and beauty services will...
Mondo Connex - Helping restaurants and cafes get Covid-ready

Mondo Connex – Helping restaurants and cafes get Covid-ready

MondoConneX provides customer experience solutions to public venues and like many organisations, has had to look for ways to remain relevant during this...
Trader portal: Business woman sitting at laptop

Have your say: Camberwell trader survey

The Camberwell Centre Association is preparing the next five-year business plan and strategy for the Camberwell Shopping precinct to coincide with the...
Business support grants

Victorian government offers more business support

The Victorian government has unveiled a $3 billion package in cash grants, tax relief and cashflow support to assist businesses amid COVID-19 and help...
Q3 2020 Camberwell traders' newsletter available online

Q3 2020 traders’ newsletter now available online

The latest edition of the Camberwell traders’ newsletter is now available. You can view it online here.
Small Business Booster grant program

Small Business Booster grant program

Grants of up to $1,500 are available to eligible businesses operating from a commercial premises. Businesses can apply for funding under one of the following...
Free Infection Control Skills training

Free training: infection control skills

Box Hill Institute has developed three online courses (Skill Set) on behalf of the Victorian Government to directly respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19)...