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About the CCA

Camberwell Junction at night

The Camberwell Centre Association

The Camberwell Centre Association represents the retail traders and service-based businesses of the Camberwell shopping precinct who contribute to a marketing fund collected by Boroondara Council and passed back to the association to administer. The association is run by the trader’s committee and it acts on behalf of traders to make key decisions relating to promoting the shopping precinct and promoting the interests of members and their customers.

With more than 700 businesses along Burke Rd, stretching from Victoria Rd to the Camberwell Junction and including both Camberwell and Riversdale roads at the junction, it is one of the largest and most vibrant ‘street shopping centres’ in Victoria.

Camberwell Junction traders appreciate the support from their regular customers and in turn, try to give back to the local community through events and assisting charitable organisations.

Our vision

Camberwell Junction shopping and business precinct will offer an extensive range of retail and professional services to best suit and support the evolving demographics of the local community. We will be recognised as the best lifestyle shopping strip in Melbourne with customers attracted by our creative ambiance, exemplary customer service, stylish retail offer, and vibrant and engaging event program.

Our purpose

  • To improve awareness of the range of businesses, amenities, promotions, and events of the precinct under a united the unidentifiable brand
  • To plan and undertake a program of marketing, promotion, and business development to enhance the precinct
  • To create opportunities to promote the businesses and their offers and news, and ways they can participate in events
  • To manage appropriate media including traditional and digital services and maintain a robust, interactive, and informative website
  • To communicate with both our traders and the community via regular newsletters and other forms of communication
  • To facilitate member meetings, networking and cross-promotional opportunities
  • To lobby council and government for business support and improvements of the precinct (e.g. streetscape, parking, cleanliness, graffiti removal)
  • To liaise with council on matters of mutual concern


Membership of the association is limited to businesses that fall within the boundaries of the business levy. This incorporates Burke Rd, from Victoria St to Denmark Hill Rd, plus Riversdale and Camberwell roads approx 500 metres from the junction.

Contact info@camberwellca.com.au to register your business to receive:

  • A trader web page (includes SEO, Google Map, images, business details, links etc)
  • Monthly digital and quarterly printed newsletter to share precinct activities and promote yours
  • Reduced rate advertising in The Camberwell Citizen newspaper to 30,000 homes (3 editions annually)
  • A ‘Meet a Trader‘ profile to promote the stories behind your business
  • Mentions in relevant articles produced to support retail themes or to match SEO based enquiry with links to you
  • Access to a professional centre manager and marketing team for support or advice
  • Opportunity to be on the association committee or involved special projects
  • Professionally produced collateral to support precinct events and help attract visitation
  • Benefit from collective advertising and promotion via events, digital marketing, branding of Camberwell Junction
  • Be as involved in supporting or participating in the programs as you wish to be.
Camberwell Business

Camberwell Business

Camberwell Business is supported by the Camberwell Centre Association to feature local corporations and professional service suppliers operating in the Camberwell Junction precinct. This includes major Australian and international companies, financial institutions, medical and health services, marketing, IT and boutique businesses and services.

We help to promote and connect local business to the community, create business-to-business opportunities through a range of seminars and social networking events, and promote other relevant Camberwell-based business events.

Find the latest local business events, news and more at the Camberwell Business website.

Camberwell Business Club

The Camberwell Business Club

The Camberwell Business Club was established in 1948 and has been in operation ever since.

It is administered by the association but is a separate entity and therefore membership or attendance is open to anyone interested in local business networking. 

The club offers an inclusive, relaxed and supportive environment to build relationships with fellow business operators. We meet on the first Thursday of every month from 1pm to 2pm at Deco Cafe (between February and December). Speakers are invited to talk on a diverse range of topics and visitors can attend casually or take up membership options with additional benefits.

Learn more about memberships and the Camberwell Business Club here.