Burke Avenue carpark in Camberwell gets exciting makeover

Burke Avenue carpark is set to look a whole lot more vibrant with upcoming works to make the area safer and more accessible for drivers and pedestrians.
Works will begin on May 8 and are expected to take approximately 10 weeks, depending on weather conditions.
During the majority of the construction period the Burke Avenue carpark, located near The Well shopping centre, will be closed to vehicles.
Vehicles will still be able to access the multi-deck carpark (west of Camberwell Grove) and The Well carpark (east of Camberwell Grove).
Pedestrian access will also be available clear of construction works and businesses will be trading as per normal.
Boroondara Council identified the carpark did not cater to high pedestrian use and lacked public space, and suggested adjustments to improve safety and access for both vehicle users and pedestrians.
Works will include:
- Reconfiguring the carpark to allow more efficient use of space
- Installing two shaded seating areas
- Improving pedestrian connections, including zebra crossings
- Retaining mature trees where possible, and planting new trees
- Improving lighting, seating, landscaping and bicycle parking.
In March 2016, Boroondara Council requested community consultation on the carpark and received “overwhelmingly positive” feedback.
Boroondara Council’s Coordinator for Transport Management Clare Davey said the council would endeavour to keep the public informed about further details on the carpark works.
“We thank you for your patience and understanding as we undertake these significant important works to the Burke Avenue carpark,” she said.
If you require further information about the carpark works, please contact Traffic and Transport at Boroondara Council by phoning (03) 9278 4518 or emailing [email protected]

Boroondara Council is aiming to reconfigure the car park in Burke Avenue, Camberwell to make it a more functional space.
The existing car park doesn’t cater for high pedestrian use and lacks public space. Pedestrian access and safety improvements would better serve car users and people who walk through the area to gain access to shops, services and employment.
The proposal includes:
- reconfiguration of the car park to allow more efficient use of space
- creation of two small seating areas
- pedestrian connections including zebra crossings
- retention of mature trees where practicable and planting of new trees
- 10 km/h shared zone along Burke Avenue, including an improved pedestrian environment at the intersection with Burke Road
- improvements in lighting, seating, landscaping and bicycle parking.
While the proposal would lead to the loss of seven parking spaces, it will allow for better use of the overall area through an improved layout.
How can you get involved?
Boroondara Council officers will be available on-site to discuss the proposal at the following times:
- 10am to 1pm on Saturday, April 16, 2016
- 2pm to 5pm on Wednesday, April 20, 2016.
You can view and comment on the plans at the Boroondara Council website.
Alternatively, phone (03) 9278 4891 to request a hard copy of plans. The consultation period will close on Friday, April 29, 2016.
For more information, contact Hywel Rowlands, Stategic Transport Planner by phoning (03) 9278 4891 or email [email protected]